to becky j

Professor Mark,

Let me start by saying that everyone’s favorite part of graduation (except for our fab commencement speaker of course) was when you received your award; our section was ready for it the whole time and finally went nuts when it happened. It was no surprise to me that everyone around me was your #1 fan. I will always admire how you managed to build a community, almost a family, and create a safe, exciting space for students to learn, explore, and be themselves. Tulane is such a cold campus sometimes but somehow you managed to make the unthinkable happen in our Women in Comedy class. My grandma even remembered your name when they called it at graduation. At the beginning of the year, I was in the midst of some of the hardest situations I had ever been through. I wasn’t sleeping, I was so depressed, and at times I really wanted to give up. My grandma called me multiple times a week to check in and consistently the one good thing I had going on in my life was our Women in Comedy class. Over the weekend I would talk to her about how I just needed to make it to Tuesday because then I had English and I knew I would always leave English feeling great. Thank you so much for giving me that. Your encouragement pushed me to follow my dreams; I finally had someone who believed in me. Comedy brought me back to life. I will never be able to thank you enough for all you did for me. Please keep in touch and come visit me and Anna in LA!

All my love and appreciation,

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i used to want nothing more than to hold your face between my hands

to feel the prickliness of you hair tickle my palms

look into your ocean eyes in the u of my fingers

i used to



You really always believed that I deserved the best and to be treated right and I love you so much for recognizing that. I am working toward and coming closer to a place where I really feel like I deserve to be treated in ways that make me feel good. Thank you for being loyal to me; whenever we have an issue I know I can talk to you about it and you will not only listen but truly hear me and we can work together to be the best we can. I am so lucky to have someone who wants nothing more than to make me smile. I only want the happiest life for you, so thank you for wanting that for me too.

I wouldn’t want to be so annoying with anyone else. I love you.




I’m trusting in hard work paying off.

I’m grateful for my Dad.

I’m inspired by new leaders.

I’m practicing my faith by moving forward and letting things be.


I’m trusting that this summer will be worth it.

I’m grateful for my this past year and all of the love I received.

I’m inspired by thinking about my friends.

I’m practicing my faith by putting myself out there with confidence.